

Asido Foundation Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition 2024

Asido Foundation Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition 2024

Asido Foundation Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition 2024

 Nurturing Minds: Asido Foundation's Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition 2024

In the spirit of honoring the late Miss Jemila Abubakar, the pioneering program manager of Asido Foundation, the annual Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition is back for its fourth edition in 2024. 

This competition stands as a tribute to her memory, seeking to continue her legacy of dedication to mental health awareness. Open to Nigerian undergraduate students, the competition addresses pressing mental health issues, with the theme for this year being "Digital Mental Health Tools for Students.

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. About Asido Foundation

3. Aim and Benefits of the Essay Competition

4. Requirements for Participation

6. How to Apply

7. The Theme: "Digital Mental Health Tools for Students"

8. Incorporating Personal Experiences

9. The Impact of Digital Tools on Mental Health

10. The Importance of Mentorship

11. Conclusion

Type                                       Undergraduate

Organisation                    Asido Foundation (AF)

Country to study                               -

School to study                                 -

Course to study                    Not specified

State of Origin

Gender                             Men and Women

Application Deadline      December 3, 2023

Asido Foundation (AF) is a non-profit charitable organization committed to dispelling ignorance surrounding mental health in Nigeria. 

Through evidence-based information, advocacy, and intervention activities, AF aims to enhance the mental health needs of the Nigerian population.

Aim and Benefits of the Asido Foundation Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition 2024:

The Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition offers not only a platform for self-expression and reflection but also tangible rewards for the top three entries. The cash prizes are as follows:

  • 1st place: N200,000
  • 2nd place: N150,000
  • 3rd place: N100,000

Additionally, the top 15 entries will have the unique opportunity to participate in a mentorship program, fostering personal and academic growth.

Requirements for Participation for Asido Foundation Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition 2024:

To be eligible for the competition, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an undergraduate student in any Nigerian tertiary institution (universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, monotechnic, school of nursing)
  • Provide evidence of studentship
  • Sign the Asido Foundation's Unashamed pledge here

The essay should be between 750 and 1500 words, delving into the theme "Digital Mental Health Tools for Students."

Application Deadline for Asido Foundation Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition 2024:

Make a note of the application deadline for Asido Foundation Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition 2024: December 3, 2023. This gives aspiring participants ample time to craft thoughtful and impactful essays that address the theme creatively.

How to Apply for Asido Foundation Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition 2024:

Applying for the Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition is a straightforward process. Interested individuals can click here to access the application portal. It's an opportunity to not only showcase your writing prowess but also contribute to the ongoing conversation about mental health in Nigeria.

The Theme: "Digital Mental Health Tools for Students":

This year's theme, "Digital Mental Health Tools for Students," is a timely and relevant choice. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected through digital platforms, exploring how technology can aid mental health becomes crucial, especially for the student population. 

Participants are encouraged to delve into the diverse facets of this theme, offering insights, solutions, and reflections on the role of digital tools in supporting mental well-being among students.

Incorporating Personal Experiences:

One powerful aspect of the Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition is its invitation for participants to draw from personal experiences. 

Whether it's your journey with mental health, encounters with digital tools, or observations within your academic community, weaving in personal narratives adds depth and authenticity to your essay.

The Impact of Digital Tools on Mental Health:

To excel in the competition, participants should explore various aspects of the theme. How can digital tools be harnessed to address mental health challenges faced by students? Are there innovative solutions or applications that have proven effective? 

What are the potential drawbacks, and how can these be mitigated? By thoroughly examining these questions, participants contribute to a broader understanding of the intersection between technology and mental health.

The Importance of Mentorship:

Beyond the competitive aspect, the mentorship program for the top 15 entries adds another layer of significance to the Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition. 

It signifies a commitment to nurturing talent, providing guidance, and fostering a community of individuals passionate about mental health advocacy.

In the face of a global mental health crisis, initiatives like the Jemila Abubakar Memorial Essay Competition play a pivotal role in raising awareness, fostering dialogue, and encouraging innovative solutions. 

As the deadline approaches, prospective participants are urged to reflect on the theme, infuse their unique perspectives, and contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding mental health, ultimately making a positive impact in Nigeria and beyond. Click [here] to embark on this enriching journey of self-expression and advocacy.

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