

Madina Job Center Trains Over 250 People in Soap Making

Madina Job Center Trains Over 250 People in Soap Making


Madina Job Center, powered by the Office of the Member of Parliament for Madina Constituency has worked to fight causes of poverty in the Madina Constituency by directly impacting over 6,000 individuals with access to decent jobs and skills for economic growth and development (SDG 1 & 8). 

Empowerment Projects implemented since 2020 include Women in Mushroom farming, Youth in Computer hardware Engineering, Youth in Fashion Design, Youth in Graphic Design, Web and Mobile App Development, Youth in Diary Production, Youth in Rabbit and Poultry Production and Youth in Driving, among others.

On the 20th of January 2024, was no exception as approximately 250 more individuals were impacted in rural Madina through a Master Class in Liquid Soap Production. 

In partnership with KEM Enterprise, and working with opinion leaders in the host community (Otinibi town), individuals from Danfa, Adoteiman and other parts of Madina who attended the training program were empowered with sustainable skills for prospective side or main business startup. Participants were empowered with startup kits containing production ingredients.

The Madina Job Center is powered by Lawyer Francis-Xavier  Sosu, the MP for Madina Constituency who believes in empowering individual to be the best they can be.  

Speaking to him the MP said “It is my dream that all forms of poverty will be eradicated and we can only achieve this by empowering our people with adequate skills to be able to fend for themselves, support their families and be productive members of society”. 

He went on to praise the Traditional leaders, opinion leaders and all stakeholders, thanking them for their immense support and participation in implementing this training program.  

The Chief of Otinibi, Nii Adjei Kwei Dzamansah IV, who was pleased about this community initiative, praised the MP and commended the initiative. He encouraged all beneficiaries to practice what has been taught sustainably.

Speaking to the CEO of Madina Job Center, Priscilla Naa Aklerh Plange, she expressed her joy in working with stakeholders in the community for the community. She said “ We are grateful for the massive patronage of this program and I advise all youth to be focused on empowering themselves by taking advantage of such sponsored skill development opportunities”

She assured the youth that aside its daily recruitment roles, and ongoing apprenticeship training, Madina Job Center over the coming weeks will be empowering more communities within the Madina Constituency with Master Classes in basic and in-demand vocational skills and all are encouraged to patronize. 


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